Pete Geall is an inspiring fella he is a lifeguard by trade, surfer, traveller and "sometimes" author. His writes for magazines like The Surfers Journal, Carve, White Horses and Paper Sea. His website bio reads:
I am a wandering surfer and travel writer hailing from the windswept shores of Cornwall, UK.
When he is not penning the occasional "surf" story or on the road travelling with a Formula Energy Surfboard or two in the quiver. Getting good surf and barrelled is high on his agenda . Solo sessions in frigid conditions don't faze him, it's all part of the quest to "enjoy" every moment. Read more about Pete here .
Below, getting shacked somewhere near home with just a few mates out "nothing better".
@pgeall winding up on his USC Must , Carbon Rails with Carbon Innegra deck.
If you have an interesting adventure whilst travelling the globe or surfing your local , don't be shy to send us through some pictures and a little side note of how your Formula Energy shooter put you in the right spot for glory or maybe even a bit of punishment and we will feature in our blog , which gets millions of hits, haha !
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