Thinking destinations like Hawaii , Mentawais or the Pacific and idllyic warm water images of epic waves come to mind . Well forget that ,how about one of the last great surfing frontiers, North West Scotland ?
Above is one of the last remaining wilderness regions in Great Britain . All you got to do is hike for four days in close to minus degrees temperatures , just make sure you bring all your own food and supplies. Lodgings are mountain shacks and if you can handle all of this then these freezing cold line ups could all be yours !
Our mate over in the UK Pete Geall lives for these types of surf adventures and packed his trusty Formula Energy Blend and headed of into the wilderness with his buddy .
New Wetsuit supplied by Finisterre for testing in the frigid waters which hover around 7 degrees Celsius and his favourite surfboard. The boys scored some empty line ups and cold water tubes .
This famous right hander near the highlands of Scotland doing a Nias impersonation.
Above are just a few images from the recent trip . Pete traveled to one of the most remote surfing destinations and scored . Look out for the full story coming out in the magazine Great Ocean Quarterly December issue !
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